Orte, C.; March, M.X.; Ballester, Ll.; Oliver, J.L.; Pascual, B.; Fernández, C.; Vives, M.; Kumpher, K.L.. , ""Adaptation of the application of the Family Competence Program to several high-risk groups" (Spanish adaptation of the Strengthening Families Program)". "European Society for Developmental Psychology (ESDP)", Tenerife (Canarias), Spain, 2011. Paper presentation.
Lluís Ballester. , "Escola i família, àmbits separats i complementaris.". "II Jornades Família i Escola: impulsar dinàmiques de cooperació. 27 i 28 de maig de 2011", Palma, Spain, 2011. Speech.
Orte Socias, C.; Ballester Brage, Ll.; Pascual, B.; Oliver Torelló, J.Ll.; March Cerdà, M.X.. , "The relationship between schools and families of secondary school students in the Balearic Islands.". "8th ERNAPE CONFERENCE MILANO 2011 European Research Network about Parents in Education 29th June - 1st July 2011 University of Milano - Bicocca", Milán, Italy, 2011. Publication data: ISBN 978-88-96026-74-8 Disponible: http://www.ernape.net/. Paper presentation.
Orte, C.; Pascual, B.; Amer, J.. , "Evaluación del proceso de aplicación de un programa de competencia familiar en el ámbito de servicios sociales: la perspectiva de los profesionales.". "XII Congreso Internacional de Teoría de la Educación. Autonomía y responsabilitat. Contextos de aprendizaje y educación en el siglo XXI.", Barcelona, Spain, 2011. Paper presentation.
Gomila, M.A.; Pascual, B.. , "Home, school and community: a partnership for a happy life?". "Conference of the European Research Network about parents in education", Milano (Italia), Italy, 2011. Paper presentation.
Orte, C.. , "Cultural Adaptation and effectiveness of the Strenghtening Families Program (SFP) in Spain,, Ireland and Thailand: lessons learned". "19th SPR Annual Meeting, Prevention Scientifics Promoting Global Health: emerging visons for today and tomorrow.", Washington, DC, United States, 2011. Round table.
Orte, C.; Ballester, L.; March, M.X.; Oliver, J.L.; Pascual, B.; Fernández, C.; Vives, M.; Kumpfer, K.. , "Cultural Adaptation and effectiveness of the Strenghtening Families Program (SFP) in Spain, Ireland and Thailand: lessons learned". "19th SPR Annual Meeting, Prevention Scientifics Promoting Global Health: emerging visons for today and tomorrow", Washintong, DC, United States, 2011. Poster.
Orte, C.; Oliver, J.L.; Ballester, L.. , "Análisis del proceso y resultados de aplicación de un programa de competencia familiar en el ámbito de protección de menores.". "XII Congreso Internacional de Teoría de la Educación (CITE 2011). 'Autonomía y responsabilidad. Contextos de aprendizaje y educación el siglo XXI'.", Barcelona, Spain, 2011. Publication data: http://www.cite2011.com/. Paper presentation.
Pascual, B.. , "Experièncias Exitosas na Comunidade Européia: La eficacia del Programa de Competencia Familiar (UIB). Fortalecer a la familia para prevenir el consumo de drogas.". "XXI Congresso Brasileiro ABEAD 'Do Uso à Dependència: A Integraçao das Políticas Públicas com a Clínica'", Recife, Brazil, 2011. Round table.
Orte, C.; Ballester, L.; March, M.X.; Kumpfer, K.; Oliver, J.L.; Pascual, B.; Amer, J.. , "Assessing family change: Comparison of the results of the Spanish adaptation of the Strengthening Family Program (SFP) in a drug treatment plan and in a social care program". "EUSPR 2nd Conference and Member Meeting. LISBON, DECEMBER 8-9, 2011", Lisbon, Portugal, 2011. Poster.
Orte, C.; Ballester, L.; Vives, M.; Amer, J.. , "The Spanish adaptation of the Strengthening Families Program: satisfaction of participants that end a mid-duration selective prevention program". "EUSPR 2ND CONFERENCE AND MEMBER MEETING. LISBON, DECEMBER 8-9, 2011", Lisbon, Portugal, 2011. Poster.